The most important columns in the product sheet are A, I and J. These must be paid close attention.
A / PRODUCT_ID-(REQUIRED) - this is the image file name, i.e. a1, a1123 … This value must be 100% correct to make sure the values in the excel sheet match the product images once they are uploaded
I or J / Width (CM)-(REQUIRED) / Height (CM)-(REQUIRED) - This is the physical dimension of the products in the real world in centimetrescentimeters.
The system does not need both of these values, but needs one to fully work, naturally, you can set the size of the products in the shelf platform, however, this is a one at a time operation. However, if you have the physical sizes to hand, its simpler to add these to the product data sheet
E / Price-(REQUIRED) - make sure this is numerical only and does not also contain the currency symbol as part of the cell value