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The data is available as a JSON object only. For technical details and actual field names please see <link to existing page on JSON> Liveplano.

Please note that the only supported method of access is via our API and it is highly recommended that you gather the respondent data as soon as each respondent completes an exercise. Bulk access of the API is not supported and maybe subject to operational restrictions. Data dump download of data is similarly not supported.


Taking each area in turn:

General meta data

respondent IDThe ID of the respondent as passed into our system by URL link from you.
project IDThe projectID from the CS Survey authoring tool and part of the calling URL.
page IDThe pageID from the CS Survey authoring tool and part of the calling URL.
total time in surveyThis is the total duration the respondent spent interacting with the survey.
start time of surveyTime respondent started survey.
end time of surveyTime respondent finished the survey.

Individual Question data points


General and non shelf qType data points

question IDThe ID of the question as auto-generated by the CS Survey authoring tool.
total time spent on the questionThis is the total duration the respondent spent interacting with this question.
start time of questionTime respondent started the question.
end time of questionTime respondent finished the question and moved to the next or survey complete.
the type of the questionThis is the shorthand code for the question type or *qType* from the CS Survey authoring tool.
question titleText of the question title as authored.

Shelf qType data points

We store a large amount of data for shelf questions, the full list is changed and enhanced in response to client requests and is beyond the scope of this document. For a full and current list of all data available please see the API documentation and sample results we keep available online. Do not hesitate to contact CS if you have an idea for extra data we do not currently keep. A summary of the key elements and groups follows:


For each item in the respondents basket when the question is finished:

UPCAs entered and client defined UPC - if any.
descriptinProduct description - if any.
price dataThe price set for the product.
quantity in basketHow many of this product or item are in the basket. This is *always* a positive integer more than zero.
Basket events

This section holds more details about the respondents interaction with products and the shopping basket. For example combinations of data points in this section can be used to see which (if any) products a respondent placed in the basket and then removed at a later time.

product meta dataDimensions, price and so on.
event nameThis is the coded name of the even the respondent caused on the product, for example clicking on the product or adding it to the shopping cart.
other data duplicated in the Basket Content section.
Decoration view events

This is data relating to a respondents specific interaction with shelf decorations such as signage and so on.


Here we detail data points gathered from a respondents viewing of a product - that is the respondent clicked and otherwise interacted with a product - note this does not include the basket events.

timesthe duration a respondent spent examining the product data and images.