When the client is setting up a findability, all you will need to do is add this variable to the liveplano link that CS supplies:
In the above example the q1 refers to the qType name in the survey admin system, this is very important to get right, as there will be multiple qTye names in one link normally, so it is critical to specify this correctly.
The =5 is the SKU/UPC product code that is used in the project, this is what product you want the respondent to find. This has to be correct as using an invalid number will break the flow
again, In the above example the q1 refers to the qType name in the survey admin system, this is very important to get right, as there will be multiple qTye names in one link normally, so it is critical to specify this correctly.
The =sometext is where the client can specify the name or any other text that is needed to show to the respondent, this must be 100% url encoded, otherwise it will not work.