This is how to organise product photos (Windows CMD method). Make sure you run all commands in the ZBar Command Prompt:
Best you watch this video first on how it is done
Make you sure you have installed zBar, but also, we installed this into Desktop to avoid running CMD in admin mode.
First we have a batch file with the bellow, we called ours rename.bat :
Code Block |
ECHO off FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`zbarimg --raw -D -q %1`) DO ( SET fullbarcode=%%F ) ECHO Full barcode: %fullbarcode% ECHO ON rename %1 %fullbarcode%.jpg |
name | rename.bat |
Then we use this command to trigger the action, this action can be copied and pasted in the CMD or powershell ZBar Command Prompt. This Command will not work outside of his CMD, like in PowerShell windows default CDM. Make sure you are in the bin folder of zBar application.
Code Block |
for /f “tokens=*” %a in ('dir /b *.jpg') do rename.bat %a |
The current limitation, means that the photos must all be in the bit folder.
The application you need is below, including the IOS app for the Barcode capture. As well as the batch file used.
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