When hen working with the 3D virtual shelf application, the artwork/SKU images need to be the following:
Images of products must not be lower than 500 pixel on any side
Images must be in a JPEG format
All product sides must be supplied, Front, Left, Right, Back, Top and Bottom, this is not necessary for some items such as crisps packets or similar items. Please contact us for clarification
If you are taking product photos, please follow the guidelines to do so here Photography Guidlines
The naming of the product images must be a SKU.jpg, for instance:
For clarification on which side of the product is the left or right see the reference below:
Here is an example of a Box product, that is converted to a Texture for a 3D product on the shelf, the important point here, is that:
The texture is 2048x1024, this can be 2048x2048 also, but this is optimal for GPU memory performance
We use the max texture canvas to layout the product image sides and do the best to align and merge the sides together
(also, for more information on correct SKU naming, please see Using a Macro to Find missing images and Image Barcodes Matching).