After all shelf edits have been completed . Please remember to click the Generate in the Shelf Builder App, and Generated, (using the button on the bottom right corner of the shelf builder app. Once this is done, you then Shelf Builder App). Then need to go back to Sip Admin and click the Publish link to see your changes in the new respondent link.
Its good practice to publish to test first, then check the Respondent App, once you are happy, you can then publish to Demo, if sharing with the client. Then once approved by stake holders, you can publish to Live, this Live link is the one used for integration into the survey.
Navigating to the shelf editor
Adjusting shelf and bay height
How to change the currency symbol
To change the currency of a shelf, click the Gear icon in the top right corner of the shelf builder. Then set the currency
How to modify the Price label sizes information
For some studies we might not need the name of the product on the price label or, simply we want to make the Price larger, both in label size and font.
Adding depth products (products behind front facings)
To create further visual impact or realism, it is a good practice to add depth products, essentially products that are the same as the front facing, but sit behind.
Adding Dummy bays (Grey disabled products)
Dummy bays are used to improve the respondent experience, by placing the main bay at the center and having disabled bays to left and right of this bay. This does help the respondent experience greatly by making the sure the bay is not sitting all alone in a supermarket.