What is required from a client and what is expected from ConceptSauce, ALL the documents will be provided and hosted on OneDrive remote folder accessible and writable by the client and ConceptSauce. You can download all the need files and example from this folder here.
Client Supplies
Product Data Sheet as specified in More info
Layout Data Sheet as specified in More info
Translations if needed as per More info
SKU images as required and named correctly so it all matches the Excel sheet. More info here on how the images need to be the same name
Question Flow / logic: i.e. how do you see the respondent flow working, is there a shopping exercise then a findability, is this one after the other and contained in one link or separate flows/links? More info.
Data Extract CSV specifications: For this we need to know what data do you require, More info and Data Extract example and Data Map
ConceptSauce supplies
Links to each flow/POG to be ready for integration
Data Extract as a CSV as per the above requirements, an example of which can be found here. Data Extract example and Data Map