Editing an existing shelf is simple to do. This is very helpful if someone from the Research Team wants to do quick changes as per client feedback.
Before we go into how to do some tasks, it is important to first find out how to reach a project/shelf we want to edit. As such, please do not skip this step if you do not know how to do this.
In this guide we will cover the following scenarios:
Navigating to the shelf editor
Before we begin we need to first go to the Project we need to edit, this is done by simply logging in to the Platform, then from the list of Projects
, click on the project you want to edit. Then click on the survey/cell
, to enter the canvas editor.
At this point you should see a block called shelf. or shelf1 or so, depending on how this has been setup. Once you click on the shelf block. The right-hand side panel opens, now scroll down to click on the Continue to shelf setup