Change Findability SKU

We will provide you with a link like the one below.

To update the SKU(s) for findability, you need to edit the &custom_params in the link. For this link it is:


You need to open a  base64 to JSON converter to edit the custom params as this is what will carry the information on what SKU(s) to find. Then change the “correct_product” value to the desired SKU in the JSON. So where there is a9300605043855, put your SKU.

{ "shelf": { "set:correct_product": "a9300605043855" } }

Convert the JSON back to base64 using the JSON to base64 converter and then add this newly converted base64 string back to the link as the custom_params. When you load the link, it should now ask you to find the SKU you specified.


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