Conjoint Options

Conjoint Options

Base 64 options for the shelf

These are options that can be used to set different options on the shelf.

Disable a product on a shelf

We shall give you a link like the one below. It has param_id and this is unique for all links/shelves.


To disable a specific product(s), we shall add &custom_params to the link. At this point, you need to open a JSON to base64 converter like JSON to Base64 Converter to edit the custom params as this is what will carry the information on what SKU(s) to disable.

You will edit the JSON object below and you need to know what the block_id for the shelf is. In this case, shelf2 is the block_id

{ "shelf2": { "set:disabled_products": [ "a5414624321000", "PID009937" ] } }

Then convert this to a base64 string which should look something like this: Cnsic2hlbGYyIjp7InNldDpkaXNhYmxlZF9wcm9kdWN0cyI6WyJhNTQxNDYyNDMyMTAwMCIsICJQSUQwMDk5MzciXX19

This is what will be the custom_param


The full URL will be:



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