Conjoint shelf

Conjoint shelf

When deploying a Conjoint shelf. The client needs to be clear on their focus of the research. For instance, if we are looking at pricing, then, the shelf needs to have clear Price labels. This is all about understand what the technology can do and physically what can be achieved.

Here are some points to keep in mind/think about when creating a conjoint shelf for online.

  • Price labels need to be larger than normal. This will help respondents see the prices from the get-go, so they can see the product price, measure and maybe even the name

  • Freeze camera so it is lets distracting for them

  • Remove dummy bays (greyed products bays) to make it a visually simple experience

  • Best to make the shelfs wider than higher, as most screens are wide, and this means we can spread the products and have bigger labels on the shelfs

One thing to keep in mind, is that screen sizes are never square. As such, if we layout the shelf to be wider than it is higher, we can get closer to the products. As such, this means the respondent can see the products and prices more clearly.


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